Wholesale Diamonds Import & Export
Wholesale Diamonds Import & Export

outstanding service

The single most important aspect we offer to attract new customer and keep our existing customers happy is service. Any diamond company can sell you a diamond but few go the extra mile to insure your complete satisfaction. At Cedar Trading we pride ourself on our superior service to our customers. Call us today to see how we can serve your needs.

extensive selection

We carry an extensive selection of diamonds ranging from 25ct to over 5 carats in rounds and fancy shapes. The vast majority of our diamonds are certified by GIA, EGL and HRD. Let our professional salespeople assist you in quickly selecting high quality diamonds that meet your requirements.

exceptional quality

At Cedar Trading we believe quality coupled with attractive prices equal value. We know that the consumer is increasingly savvy when it comes to pricing. Find out for yourself how our quality diamonds and exceptional pricing can help you sell more diamonds and earn greater profit.